Privacy Policy

The Briv Privacy Policy was updated on February 24, 2024.

Your privacy is important to us so we’ve developed a Privacy Policy that covers how we handle your personal information and data. If you have any questions about these Terms, contact us. Thanks for reading!

The application Briv (hereinafter “App“) and this web service (hereinafter “Website”) is provided by (“We” or “Us“). Protection of your privacy when you use the App and/or Website is important to us. You can view this Data Privacy Declaration at any time on our website.

1. Office responsible/Point of contact 

The office responsible for matters concerning data privacy law is: 

Yugen GmbH
Eugen-Kaufmann-Str. 4
60438 Frankfurt 

If you have questions or concerns about data privacy, you can also contact us by e-mail at

2. Type and scope of collected data

For the sole purpose of processing In-App purchases on the App Store, we use the provider RevenueCat, who collects anonymized data in order to process the In-App purchases correctly. Types of Data being collected are the following: Anonymized user ID, purchase status, country of purchase, purchase date and time. You can find the privacy policy of Apple here ( of RevenueCat here (

For support purposes only, we store user input data sent through the contact forms on this Website, along with meta information about the submissions, including the time stamp, the origin IP address, and the user agent (browser). The information is sent as email messages that only a select few are allowed to access.

2.1 Advertising and usage profiles 

Cookies (only applies for our Website)

Our Website uses so-called Cookies at various places. “Cookies” are tiny text files that are handled by your Web browser and are stored on your computer. They enable us to make our Website more pleasant to use, more effective, and more secure. Cookies don’t include information that is related to your person. Almost all modern Web browsers enable you to manage the handling of Cookies. They can even be disabled completely. If you do this, it is likely that our Website will not work properly and even that certain functions are not working at all. Our Website uses Cookies to provide Google Analytics. 

To gather the data that has been described earlier, we use Google Analytics.

Google Analytics (only relevant for users of our Website) 

Our Website uses Google Analytics, an analytics service that is provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “Cookies” which are stored on your computer. These Cookies enable us to analyze the usage of our Website by users like you. Information regarding your usage of our website that is created with the help of the Cookie are submitted to and stored on servers from Google located in the United States. On our Website we use the method “setAnonymizeIp“ to anonymize your IP address. This ensures that Google shortens your IP address within the European Union or other member states of this treaty before your information is sent to the United States. Your full IP address is only sent in exceptional cases to servers in the United States and will be shortened there.
Google will use this information on our behalf to analyze your usage of our Website, and to create reports about usage patterns. 

You can object the storage of Cookies by configuring your Web browser to not store any Cookies. In this case we have to inform you that our Website will most likely not work properly and that some functions might not work at all.
In addition to this, you can prevent the gathering of Website usage data and the processing of your IP address by installing this Browser plugin provided by Google:  

For more information about data processing by Google, please visit:

3. Protection of your data

To protect your personal data from unauthorized access and abuse we have implemented technical and organizational security measures. We check these security measures regularly and adapt them, as necessary, to the state of technological progress.

4. Deletion, information, and revocation

You can request the deletion of your data at any time by contacting:

Kingiol Ding

Version: February 2024